Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Beloved Friend

At the time I'm sad ..
You always cheer me ......
At the time I need advice on a matter and complex problem ..
You're so wise memberikkan suggestions for me .....
At the moment I'm happy ..
You are beside me ..

Oh friend ....
It seems when there is no you I'll fragile in the grief that ...
Looks like I will for centuries to think way out of that problem ..
And, Happiness would not be present in my life ..
If the present .. that happiness is nothing for me without you ..

Thank you friends ..
cause you I can feel a beautiful world ..
And, the real meaning of life ....

For : Meldisa Putri Maulidyah
        Ayu Pertiwi
        Nabila Baqarizky
        and for my beloved friend :) yeahaha

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